Watershed Condition Framework

The Watershed Condition Framework (WCF) is a comprehensive approach for implementing integrated restoration on priority national forest and grassland watersheds

The Watershed Condition Framework is being revised with an estimated completion date of June 2025

  • It uses 10 indicators composed of attributes related to watershed processes.

  • CLs are included in two attributes. (Table 1)
    1. Soil Function
    2. Other Water Quality Problems
  • Which CLs are included?
  •       Lichen sensitive species richness

          Acid neutralizing capacity (ANC)

Access the relevant websites and a step-by-step guide for using each website.

Watershed Condition & Prioritization Interactive Map

view priority watersheds, read about watershed selection criteria, download the Watershed Restoration Action Plans, and find overall watershed condition and individual indicator ratings

BPR Watershed Condition Framework Dashboard

access the Watershed Condition Classification 2011 Technical Guide and interactive and watershed condition classification maps



provides a geospatial database to access CL information used in the revised watershed condition classification (WCC)

Overview of Attributes (White Papers)

provides links to data and step-by-step guidance for assessing the air quality attributes that will be used in the revised framework

Table 1. proposed list of watershed condition indicators and attributes