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Step-by-step instructions

  1. Select the folder for the agency that you want data for.
  2. Select the region folder or use the map to identify the region that your park/forest is in.
  3. Download the PDF and explore it for critical load data.
  4. The document has 4 sections: 1) CL Summary, 2) deposition summary, 3) Critical Loads of N, 4) Critical Loads of Sulfur.
  5. The Critical Loads of N has data for up to 8 critical loads: alpine communities, aquatic eutrophication, herbaceous species richness, individual herbaceous species, epiphytic lichen communities, tree species growth, tree species survival, and soil mycorrhizae.
  6. The Critical Loads of S section has data for 5 critical loads: aquatic acidification, individual herbaceous species, epiphytic lichen communities, tree species growth, and tree species survival.