Access background information and a step-by-step guide for using critical loads for each process below.
CL Tools | |
CLAS–Critical Loads Assessment by Site | provides access to maps of CLs and exceedance for N and S deposition for sensitive lakes and streams, lichens, and trees |
EPA CL Mapper | an interactive “front end” to the National Critical Loads Database |
Air Quality Tools | |
Air Quality Conditions & Trends | provides Park Service unit-specific air quality data, conditions, and trends for ozone, particulate matter, visibility, nitrogen, and sulfur |
Air Quality Conditions & Trends | provides Forest Service unit-specific air quality data, conditions, and trends for ozone, particulate matter, visibility, nitrogen, and sulfur |
Air Quality Conditions & Trends | provides US Fish and Wildlife Service unit-specific air quality data, conditions, and trends for ozone, particulate matter, visibility, nitrogen, and sulfur |
Air Quality Impacts Reports | |
CLAD CL Summary Reports | detailed reports on all CL data (CL values, sensitive species, number of waterbodies) and exceedance data (count of exceedances, areas in exceedance, species in exceedance) available for NPS and USFS units within the contiguous US based off of the most recent TDep data |
Wilderness Air Quality Values for WSP (Wilderness Stewardship Performance) | provides a report for each FS Wildernes Area that streamlines annual WSP reporting for WAQVs from lichen-based CLs |
Forest Vulnerability Hotspots Mapper (USFS) | provides maps of vulnerability of forests to insects and diseases from user defined levels air pollution (nitrogen deposition), fire risk, drought, and temperature warming |