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Step-by-step instructions

Each report includes descriptions and data for critical loads available in each park. The critical load exceedance sections identify the number of sites (and waterbodies and sensitive species) or areas of the park that are in exceedance based on three-year average TDep Total N or Total S deposition.

  1. Select the folder for the agency that you want data for.
  2. Select the region folder or use the map to identify the region that your park/forest is in.
  3. Download the PDF and explore it for critical load data.
  4. The document has 4 sections: a) CL Summary, b) deposition summary, c) Critical Loads of N, d) Critical Loads of S.
  5. The Critical Loads of N has data for up to 8 critical loads: alpine communities, aquatic eutrophication, herbaceous species richness, individual herbaceous species, epiphytic lichen communities, tree species growth, tree species survival, and soil mycorrhizae.
  6. The Critical Loads of S section has data for 5 critical loads: aquatic acidification, individual herbaceous species, epiphytic lichen communities, tree species growth, and tree species survival.