CL Deposition and Data
Access the relevant website and a step-by-step guide for using the website.
National Critical Loads Database (NCLD)
Lichens & Air Quality Database (USFS)
NADP TDep (Total Deposition) Maps

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Step-by-step instructions
1. Go to
2. Go to Download data and select – “CASTNET Data” –
3. On this page you can download “Pre-package data files” on this FTP site –
4. Or Use the download tool to select data and download the selections:
a. Select by Date, EPA Regions, state-county, Agency, SiteID, and Active/Incative
b. Download data:
i. Filter Pack Concentrations
ii. Meteorological data
iii. Ozone
iv. Trace gas
v. Total deposition – Annual (at the site)
5. Click Export Table for the data